Thursday, December 6, 2012

Higher savings rate with Poems MMF (Update)

[Disclaimer: The author does not achieve any monetary gains from posting this entry.]

For those who doesn't know what POEMS is, it is a trading account. MMF is a facility to temporarily park money during stock trading. When money is put into POEMS account, it will be automatically bought into MMF at the price stated on that day. When stock trade is done, the MMF unit will be sold at the price stated on that day to pay for the trade.

Below is the data I have gathered from POEMS.

Date Price %price change/year[aka % interest rate]
28/12/2007 1.1054 3.30
31/12/2008 1.1205 1.30
24/12/2009 1.1319 0.81
21/12/2010 1.1398 0.77
29/05/2011 1.1426 0.58
05/01/2012 1.1461 0.51
22/03/2012 1.1475 0.58
29/06/2012 1.1494 0.61
31/07/2012 1.15 0.60
12/08/2012 1.1502 0.53
23/08/2012 1.1504 0.58
23/09/2012 1.151 0.61
21/11/2012 1.1521 0.59
06/12/2012 1.1523 0.42

If the calculation is based on the first date and the last date, the interest rate is slightly lower.
DatePriceinterest rate (%pa)

[Note: Hopefully my calculation is correct]

I am fully aware that there are many other "rainy day savings haven"; Well, I suppose I prefer POEMS MMF to others because I can gain better access to the money.

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